Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Second Chance Lucky

I guess it's time to update a really important part of my life, that has BECOME my life. So for those who I don't get to see every day, and who don't get to see the smile on my face, here is the abbreviated version (which will probably still be very long, cause who are we kidding? I don't do abbreviated anything!)

Once upon a time, in 1996, I met a boy named David. A week later his persistence paid off and I agreed to go out with him. We dated. We fell in love. We were going different directions. We broke up. We found others. He married his. I almost married mine. Fast forward 14 years. I see him on Facebook. He takes two minutes to realize it's me (short, dark hair had replaced long, blond!) He's surprised. We start chatting. We plan to meet for breakfast. We see each other. We small talk about work, the weather and why we broke up all those years ago (neither one really remembers actually ever breaking up...just that I returned my beautiful promise ring, which broke both our hearts.) We leave, both realizing that there are still incredibly deep feelings there. Those feelings shoot to the surface. Dang. Timing is off a little. He's going through a divorce. Divorce finalizes. Friendship ensues. Love happens.

(Hey I CAN abbreviate stories!)

Some pics from one of our first outings together...we drove all over SLC one day (we LOVE to drive) and stopped at the "This is the place" monument and Temple Square to walk around in the frigid Utah winter....we're nothing if not crazy!

We're kinda cute together, right?!


  1. like...way cute together! hey, this stopped too soon....I wanted to keep reading the next chapter!

  2. Don't worry, Erika, when there's a "next chapter", you know you'll be the first to read it!

  3. YAY!!! This makes me soooo happy:) You two look absolutely perfect for each other and so cute and all happy, happy! I can't wait to hear more, you should call me, but wait, when would you have time for THAT! You already had a busy life before this fellow came along- do you ever even sleep now!!??
    p.s. I really like your new background

  4. my kids are funny. I just showed them these pictures and Wyatt said, "Mellie can't get married, she's an aunt!" When Sadie saw them she said, "Yeah, he's old enough to know he should be married".

  5. I'm SO happy for you! I can't wait to meet him...when will that be??

  6. Yay!!! I was ready and willing to read more. You should have kept going. You two look adorable together.

  7. I love the logic of 4 and 7 year olds....they've got everything figured out! I'll call you one of these days, Am, I promise! I'm sure you'll see him one day, Jodi! And I'll post more soon, Stacey, thanks for reading!

  8. You guys look great and really really happy!! I am so excited for you!!!

  9. Heather I need to see your profile!! And thanks :)

  10. Congrats! I love happy ending or rather happy beginnings!


About Me

My photo
I am daughter, sister, friend, counselor, coworker, niece, caretaker, and world-famous aunt (well, maybe not yet, but someday I will be!) And in September I added wife and stepmother to my titles....I'm loving these new ones! In October 2011 I became a mom to an angel baby, Mercy Faith, whose wings took her straight back to heaven. November 2012 we had the unparalleled joy of becoming the parents to our sweet baby girl, Journey Rose, who has added love, joy and amazement to our lives! I try every day to be kinder, stand higher, love deeper, laugh harder and dream bigger than the day before. One of my favorite sayings is "Women who behave rarely make history". So with that in mind, I do my best to BE, STAND, LOVE, LAUGH and DREAM with a mischievious smile on my face and a wink in my eye! I love my short, it's everything I never knew I always wanted...
