Sunday, November 29, 2009

We're not in Kansas anymore (after today, anyway...)

The last day my Mom and I were in Kansas, we all woke up to snow falling....and by "snow" I mean "slush"--the kind that looks like snow in the sky, but falls and within seconds turns into wet, slushy puddles. But that didn't matter to the kids! They were out on the balcony in full winter gear playing in the snow. In all their pure, childhood wonder :)

Except for baby Ruby, who stayed in her jammies, in the warmth of her Aunt Mellie's arms!

...Which was fine by me!

Steve and my Mom think she looks and acts like a similar version of me when I was a baby--only much more adorable, I'm sure!

The first day or two of our visit Ruby wasn't really into me...she's a mama's girl and I'm practically a stranger. Well, I wasn't going to let that fly. Even though I haven't seen her nearly as much as I'd like to, she's still my girl and I really wanted to get to know her. So I gave her an ultimatum, naturally. I told her she had til Sunday (day 3 of our trip) to be wary of me, then we were to be best friends. Totally worked.

Sadie was the first one out, of course, tossing slush-balls at the door...

Wyatt was loving every second of it!

I'm pretty sure they were singing Christmas carols, loud and strong!

This is so typical for these two...Wyatt all in your face, making a crazy face of his own, and Christian sweetly smiling in the background, letting Wyatt take the glory, but knowing he's every bit as lovable!

Snapped a pic of the flake on his eyelash...or, as Wyatt pronounces it, "eye-waash"

This one loves an adventure...ANY adventure. Just like her dad.

Poor Chrisch, he's feeling the cold but loving the fun

They kept coming in for more winter gear....hats, mittens, scarves, boots...the whole shebang!

The performance never wavers, for Sadie and Wyatt...always on.

Amber's the best mom....she had hot coco with marshmallow and mini candy canes for her frozen little ones


.....and delicious.....

....and all over your face! Exactly as it should be :)

Flash forward to half an hour later when Mom and I were all packed up and ready to say quick last snuggle...

...and we were off! Can't wait til Christmas, when we can see these cute little weasels again!!!

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About Me

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I am daughter, sister, friend, counselor, coworker, niece, caretaker, and world-famous aunt (well, maybe not yet, but someday I will be!) And in September I added wife and stepmother to my titles....I'm loving these new ones! In October 2011 I became a mom to an angel baby, Mercy Faith, whose wings took her straight back to heaven. November 2012 we had the unparalleled joy of becoming the parents to our sweet baby girl, Journey Rose, who has added love, joy and amazement to our lives! I try every day to be kinder, stand higher, love deeper, laugh harder and dream bigger than the day before. One of my favorite sayings is "Women who behave rarely make history". So with that in mind, I do my best to BE, STAND, LOVE, LAUGH and DREAM with a mischievious smile on my face and a wink in my eye! I love my short, it's everything I never knew I always wanted...
